Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Marsh headphones

Hi! I would like to say on behalf of myself, that I am officially in love with the "Marshmallow" headphones(or earphones whatever) for the ipod. It's especially awesome when you want to avoid other noise and just blast music in your ears. I swear its like the untimate sound blocker in a small form. And I know, I probably sound like a headphones comercial right now, but I love it.

So I am hear to explain how I came about these awesome headphones.

Yesterday, while getting over a cold, but still being forced to go to the orthadontists, afterward we went to Walmart to get stuff(cold medicine, snacks blah blah). So I went to the electronics sections looking for headphones, sinse the original ipod headphones that my ipod came with kept falling out of my ears and bugging me. And I saw it. The untilmate Marshmallow headphones, now atfirst i was really on the fence with this, because as most ipod accessories go, it was super expensive for headphones. $20 to be exact. So I texted my friend who I was pretty sure also had those kind of headphones for her ipod, and asked if it was worth it. She said it deffinitely was, and that it was super durable(as an example she told me how it accidently went through the washermachine but still worked!). So I decided to get it(turns out I had 2 $20 bills with me and nothing else so the tax made it more than that so I had to break the other 20 >.<).

When I got home and tested it out, it was at first pretty hard to get in my ear but got super comfy later on. And when my mom tried to talk to me, I only saw her lips moving, that's where I broke out in joy, I could sit in my room reading my book(s), without being disturbed from the dogs barking and such.

And now, I shall show you a picture of the awesomeness that I recently own. Oh yes, I almost forgot, THEY ARE PURPLE!! That was a major selling point.
(I know that they look like they are blue in this picture, but they are really purple)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Lake

Hi people!!
I thought I would present my reason/excuse for not posting for over a week(or two weeks?).
I went to my dad's for a week at this house that was really close to this lake lol.
it was pretty fun if I don't say so myself, we went kyaking, swimming(a ton) and ate ice cream almost everyday(heeeaaaven).
It's pretty awesome when a person who is alergic to milk(sorta) gets to eat ice cream 6-8 times in a weeks time. It was an unforgetable time in that respect. =D
The lake water didnt look like the cleanest in the world but it was ok, the main thing that bothered me was stepping on this squishy stuff which is I guess lake kelp or sometihng (its really gross when you step on it) or when I accidently get water in my nose...which happened a few more times then you would expect....

As a result, I now have a sore throat, and a stuffed nose, I think i might have caught something from the countless times I got water stuck in there...

*blows nose* yup. life couldn't be better

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Ninja Back

As I was minding my own bussiness, reading in my room last night until who knows what in the morning, it came. All of a sudden, I heard the horrible sound of the *buuuzzzzzzz....buzzzzzzzz*
I knew it was war.
This was not your average ninja fly either, this one was unafraid.
It fly right where my head was, and no matter what, I couldnt hit it.
It landed on the wall, but I was unsure whether I wanted to hit it with my manga book that I was readed at the moment.
I didn't want squished fly on my book as I'm reading it thank you very much.
So after ten minutes of trying to whack it, I finally gave up, grabbed my flashlight from the other room went under the covers and read my book (I didn't have much left of it). I'm really starting to hate flies now. I think they are plotting to kill us with the stuff(I'm not gonna say what stuff) they leave when they land on things.
I think we all know the moral of this experience.

Never be in a dark room with a lamp on without being armed with a fly swatter.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Ok, I believe I am now a complete and total bookworm. I didn't use to be like this. I was anti reading before! But something happened resently, I guess its cuz I got bored of playing my DS at night and decided to start reading the tons of books on my shelves. And a few months(maybe a year...) later I realized I read them all. So I saw this series called The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants. I eventually bought the whole series and loved it. I highly recommend it.

Anyway, I think I fully realized my bookworm-ness when we started going library resently. And Oh my gosh, they had a manga section, tiny manga section, but still manga indeed. I picked out 7 manga books and 2 normal girly awesome cool books(you see my bookworm-ness showing yet?). I read them all in about a week, so yesterday we returned those and got some more. Now prepare yourself, this is where it all came into the light. I borrowed 18 books. Of course 11 of them being manga books but still! 18!! I already read one(not manga book). Then I fully fully realized the truth when my mom said I looked really excited when we were checking out the books, and then even more so when I realized that when some lady(library worker probably) was walking by and said "somebody has a big weekend planned!" Yeah.

Anyway I have a question for those few that read this....

I've heard from a few friends different deffinitions of words:

Nerd = super smart person who gets A's on everything

Geek = person who plays video games and reads comic books (*coughnotmangacough*)

But I was wondering, then what is a dork? A mixture of the two? I need answers!!!