Thursday, September 24, 2009

If I ever see another fly in my room again...

....I'm going to get my brother to kill it.

Of course, there is a possiblility that I could be able to kill it, but I hate that when you squish bugs they get all over the wall or whatever your squishing it with (like a book). Or when I one time tried to squish an ant with a tissue, I FELT the crunch. EW. It felt so gross. So I am against doing it again. Of course this perticular time happened in the middle of the night(like all the other times...) and so I was unable to get my brother and the only thing i could possibly squish it with was the book I was reading(I didnt want to accidently touch fly guts ew >.<) I think when I grow up and end up having to live on my own, I will be doomed. No one would be able to squish the random bugs for me! Of course sometimes Davey, Levi, and Toby try to eat the bugs when they see them crawling around, so I could make sure I have a cute doggie on hand at all times, but what if the bug is poisonous???

I think if I could invent one thing, it would be a Bug Squisher. Like a little robot dude who responds to things like "OMG THERES A BUG!" or "AHHHHH BUG!" and it swoops in and traps it in a glass or whatever container and it zaps it! And it doesn't have that nasty smell that those bug zapper rackets have. And then it either takes it outside and disposes of it, or flushes it down the toilet. (it should have an option of what you can choose for that) And the world would be right again.

Sometimes I wonder if the flies that come in my room at night while I'm reading are all the same fly. That would suck. But in another way it would be good cuz then I know that all flies are not out to get me and that it's just one that I have to kill. (or get my brother to..) But then agian, it would bring a whole knew meaning to "Ninja Fly". I don't even think it's afraid at me at all, cuz it gets right in my face! I think I even hit it with my book a couple times, but it just recoverd like nothing happened! And for those of you who think I'm making this up, I'm not. This happened just last night. At one point it was on the wall within squishing point, but I had nothing that I could/wanted to squish it with. Not my book, not my tissue box(its in my room cuz I have a cold), not my DS. What I wouldn't give for a Bug Squisher.

So to disclose this session of rambleing, I will ask this, Anyone planning on inventing a Bug Squisher?